Anggrek Cattleya
Cattleya is one genus of 42 species of orchids from Costa Rica to the tropical parts of South America and is one of the genera of epiphytic orchids. Wikipedia
Cattleya walkeriana is an orchid species. This differs from most of the Cattleya species by having inflorescences that emerge from the rhizomes rather than from the top of the pseudobulb. In the original habitat it grows either as epiphytic or lithophyte, sometimes in full sun. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya labiata , also known as cattleya cattleya or ruby-lipped cattleya, is a species of Cattleya species, which was discovered in 1818 in Brazil. This plant grows in northeastern Brazil, in the states of Pernambuco and Alagoas. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya intermedia is a bifoliate Cattleya orchid species. Diploid C. intermedia chromosome number has been determined as 2n = 40. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya purpurata , known in the past as Laelia purpurata and Sophronitis purpurata, is a native Brazilian plant that is very popular among orchid farmers. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya trianae, juga dikenal sebagai Flor de Mayo atau "Christmas orchid", adalah tanaman milik keluarga Orchidaceae. Tumbuh sebagai anggrek epifit, dengan daun yang lezat, endemik di Kolombia di mana dinominasikan sebagai bunga nasional pada bulan November 1936. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya mossiae, umumnya dikenal sebagai anggrek paskah, adalah spesies anggrek labiate Cattleya. Bentuk bunga putih kadang-kadang dikenal sebagai Cattleya wagneri. Jumlah kromosom diploid C. mossiae telah ditentukan sebagai 2n = 40. Nomor kromosom haploid telah ditentukan sebagai n = 20. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya maxima adalah spesies anggrek di subfamili Epidendroideae yang ditemukan dari Venezuela ke Peru. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya nobilior adalah spesies anggrek. Para rhizanthoid Cattleyas berbeda dari spesies lain dari Cattleya dengan memiliki perbungaan yang timbul langsung dari rimpang, bukan dari puncak pseudobulb. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya loddigesii adalah spesies anggrek
Cattleya aclandiae adalah spesies anggrek dari genus Cattleya, dinamai untuk menghormati Lady Lydia Elizabeth Ackland, istri dari Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, 10th Baronet yang merupakan orang Eropa pertama yang berhasil menumbuhkan tanaman. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya amethystoglossa adalah spesies anggrek bifoliate dari genus Cattleya. C. amethystoglossa berasal dari Brasil di negara bagian Bahia dan mungkin Espirito Santo, di mana ia ditemukan di dekat permukaan laut di dekat Samudera Atlantik. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya lueddemanniana adalah spesies anggrek labiate Cattleya. Jumlah kromosom diploid C. lueddemanniana telah ditentukan sebagai 2n = 40. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya schilleriana adalah spesies anggrek Cattleya yang bifoliate. Ini endemik ke negara bagian Bahia di pesisir timur Brazil. Hari ini dianggap sudah punah di alam. Hibrida alami Cattleya × undulata. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya warneri adalah spesies anggrek labiate Cattleya. Jumlah kromosom diploid C. warneri telah ditentukan sebagai 2n = 40. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya dowiana adalah spesies anggrek. Jumlah kromosom diploid C. dowiana telah ditentukan sebagai 2n = 40; nomor kromosom haploid telah ditentukan sebagai n = 20. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya violacea adalah spesies anggrek yang berasal dari hutan hujan dataran rendah Amazon dan lembah sungai Orinoco, yang paling luas dari semua spesies Cattleya di alam liar. Anggrek spesies ini tumbuh di pohon di sepanjang sungai, karena mereka membutuhkan panas dan kelembaban sepanjang tahun. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya percivaliana is an orchid species. It shares the common name "Christmas Orchid" with C. trianae and Angraecum sesquipedale. Diploid chromosome number C. percivaliana has been determined as 2n = 40. The haploid chromosome number has been determined as n = 20. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya forbesii , Forbes cattle, is a species of orchid. The number of chromosomes diploid C. forbesii has been determined as 2n = 54–60. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya tigrina is a bifoliate species from Cattleya orchid. The diploid chromosome number of C. tigrina has been determined as 2n = 40. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya guttata is a bifoliate Cattleya orchid species. The chromosome number of C. guttata diploid has been determined as 2n = 40. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya gaskelliana is a Cattleya labiate orchid species. The chromosome number of C. gaskelliana diploid has been determined as 2n = 40. Wikipedia (UK)
Cattleya schroederae is an orchid species. C. schroederae was named after Baroness Schroeder, wife of Sir John Schroder, see de: John Henry Schröder. This is a Colombian Cattleya species that has no seeds. Flowers up to 9 "across, very fragrant. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya bicolor is an orchid species. Chromosome numbers of several C. bicolor individuals have been determined, finding diploid chromosome numbers from both 2n = 40 and 2n = 80. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya luteola is a species of orchid, native to the lowland Amazon rainforest. This is present in Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and Bolivia. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya cernua, commonly known as Nodding Sophronitis, is an orchid species from Brazil to northeastern Argentina. The types of species from the genus Sophronitis to the genus are made identical to Cattleya. Twenty C. cernua plants have received a total of 22 AOS awards. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya harrisoniana is a bifoliate Cattleya orchid species. The diploid chromosome number of C. harrisoniana has been determined as 2n = 40. The number of haploid C. harrisoniana chromosomes has been determined as n = 20. Wikipedia (UK)
Cattleya rex is a striking white flower epiphytic orchid species, native to mountain forests in Peru and Bolivia. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya granulosa is a bifoliate Cattleya orchid species. This is endemic in Brazil; Specimens are reported to be from Guatemala, but this may be wrong. The diploid chromosome number of C. granulosa has been determined as 2n = 40. Wikipedia (UK)
Cattleya lawrenceana is the Cattleya labiate orchid species. Media related to Cattleya lawrenceana on Wikimedia Commons Wikipedia (UK)
Cattleya Jongheana, commonly known as Sophronitis Jonghe, is an orchid species that is endemic to Brazil. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya alaorii, commonly known as Laelia alaorii, is an orchid species that is endemic in Brazil. This species was named after Mr Alaor Oliveira, a former employee at the University of São Paulo in Piracicaba, who first collected this species on a field visit in the late 1960s. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya kerrii
Cattleya dormaniana is a bifoliate Cattleya orchid species. Diploid C. dormaniana chromosome number has been determined as 2n = 40. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya schofieldiana is a bifoliate Cattleya orchid species. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya tenuis is an orchid species. It shares a common name that is rarely used by Easter orchids with C. mossiae and C. schroederae. Natural hybrids: Cattleya × tenuata Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya walkeriana is an orchid species. This differs from most of the Cattleya species by having inflorescences that emerge from the rhizomes rather than from the top of the pseudobulb. In the original habitat it grows either as epiphytic or lithophyte, sometimes in full sun. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya labiata , also known as cattleya cattleya or ruby-lipped cattleya, is a species of Cattleya species, which was discovered in 1818 in Brazil. This plant grows in northeastern Brazil, in the states of Pernambuco and Alagoas. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya intermedia is a bifoliate Cattleya orchid species. Diploid C. intermedia chromosome number has been determined as 2n = 40. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya purpurata , known in the past as Laelia purpurata and Sophronitis purpurata, is a native Brazilian plant that is very popular among orchid farmers. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya trianae, juga dikenal sebagai Flor de Mayo atau "Christmas orchid", adalah tanaman milik keluarga Orchidaceae. Tumbuh sebagai anggrek epifit, dengan daun yang lezat, endemik di Kolombia di mana dinominasikan sebagai bunga nasional pada bulan November 1936. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya mossiae, umumnya dikenal sebagai anggrek paskah, adalah spesies anggrek labiate Cattleya. Bentuk bunga putih kadang-kadang dikenal sebagai Cattleya wagneri. Jumlah kromosom diploid C. mossiae telah ditentukan sebagai 2n = 40. Nomor kromosom haploid telah ditentukan sebagai n = 20. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya maxima adalah spesies anggrek di subfamili Epidendroideae yang ditemukan dari Venezuela ke Peru. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya nobilior adalah spesies anggrek. Para rhizanthoid Cattleyas berbeda dari spesies lain dari Cattleya dengan memiliki perbungaan yang timbul langsung dari rimpang, bukan dari puncak pseudobulb. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya loddigesii adalah spesies anggrek
Cattleya aclandiae adalah spesies anggrek dari genus Cattleya, dinamai untuk menghormati Lady Lydia Elizabeth Ackland, istri dari Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, 10th Baronet yang merupakan orang Eropa pertama yang berhasil menumbuhkan tanaman. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya amethystoglossa adalah spesies anggrek bifoliate dari genus Cattleya. C. amethystoglossa berasal dari Brasil di negara bagian Bahia dan mungkin Espirito Santo, di mana ia ditemukan di dekat permukaan laut di dekat Samudera Atlantik. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya lueddemanniana adalah spesies anggrek labiate Cattleya. Jumlah kromosom diploid C. lueddemanniana telah ditentukan sebagai 2n = 40. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya schilleriana adalah spesies anggrek Cattleya yang bifoliate. Ini endemik ke negara bagian Bahia di pesisir timur Brazil. Hari ini dianggap sudah punah di alam. Hibrida alami Cattleya × undulata. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya warneri adalah spesies anggrek labiate Cattleya. Jumlah kromosom diploid C. warneri telah ditentukan sebagai 2n = 40. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya dowiana adalah spesies anggrek. Jumlah kromosom diploid C. dowiana telah ditentukan sebagai 2n = 40; nomor kromosom haploid telah ditentukan sebagai n = 20. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya violacea adalah spesies anggrek yang berasal dari hutan hujan dataran rendah Amazon dan lembah sungai Orinoco, yang paling luas dari semua spesies Cattleya di alam liar. Anggrek spesies ini tumbuh di pohon di sepanjang sungai, karena mereka membutuhkan panas dan kelembaban sepanjang tahun. Wikipedia (Inggris)
Cattleya percivaliana is an orchid species. It shares the common name "Christmas Orchid" with C. trianae and Angraecum sesquipedale. Diploid chromosome number C. percivaliana has been determined as 2n = 40. The haploid chromosome number has been determined as n = 20. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya forbesii , Forbes cattle, is a species of orchid. The number of chromosomes diploid C. forbesii has been determined as 2n = 54–60. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya tigrina is a bifoliate species from Cattleya orchid. The diploid chromosome number of C. tigrina has been determined as 2n = 40. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya guttata is a bifoliate Cattleya orchid species. The chromosome number of C. guttata diploid has been determined as 2n = 40. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya gaskelliana is a Cattleya labiate orchid species. The chromosome number of C. gaskelliana diploid has been determined as 2n = 40. Wikipedia (UK)
Cattleya schroederae is an orchid species. C. schroederae was named after Baroness Schroeder, wife of Sir John Schroder, see de: John Henry Schröder. This is a Colombian Cattleya species that has no seeds. Flowers up to 9 "across, very fragrant. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya bicolor is an orchid species. Chromosome numbers of several C. bicolor individuals have been determined, finding diploid chromosome numbers from both 2n = 40 and 2n = 80. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya luteola is a species of orchid, native to the lowland Amazon rainforest. This is present in Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and Bolivia. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya cernua, commonly known as Nodding Sophronitis, is an orchid species from Brazil to northeastern Argentina. The types of species from the genus Sophronitis to the genus are made identical to Cattleya. Twenty C. cernua plants have received a total of 22 AOS awards. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya harrisoniana is a bifoliate Cattleya orchid species. The diploid chromosome number of C. harrisoniana has been determined as 2n = 40. The number of haploid C. harrisoniana chromosomes has been determined as n = 20. Wikipedia (UK)
Cattleya rex is a striking white flower epiphytic orchid species, native to mountain forests in Peru and Bolivia. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya granulosa is a bifoliate Cattleya orchid species. This is endemic in Brazil; Specimens are reported to be from Guatemala, but this may be wrong. The diploid chromosome number of C. granulosa has been determined as 2n = 40. Wikipedia (UK)
Cattleya lawrenceana is the Cattleya labiate orchid species. Media related to Cattleya lawrenceana on Wikimedia Commons Wikipedia (UK)
Cattleya Jongheana, commonly known as Sophronitis Jonghe, is an orchid species that is endemic to Brazil. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya alaorii, commonly known as Laelia alaorii, is an orchid species that is endemic in Brazil. This species was named after Mr Alaor Oliveira, a former employee at the University of São Paulo in Piracicaba, who first collected this species on a field visit in the late 1960s. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya kerrii
Cattleya dormaniana is a bifoliate Cattleya orchid species. Diploid C. dormaniana chromosome number has been determined as 2n = 40. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya schofieldiana is a bifoliate Cattleya orchid species. Wikipedia (English)
Cattleya tenuis is an orchid species. It shares a common name that is rarely used by Easter orchids with C. mossiae and C. schroederae. Natural hybrids: Cattleya × tenuata Wikipedia (English)
Bagus,info bermanfaat. Thanks for sharing. I love orchids. 🤩👍